• Multifunctional products.
  • More effective protection.
  • Efficient delivery systems that make it economical to treat hard-to-protect items.
  • Easy application.
  • Improved health, safety, and pollution control.
  • Elimination of extra processing steps in most cases there is no need to remove the VpCI® product.
  • Extended equipment life.

Use Cortec® technology in each stage of the product’s lifecycle, starting from the production of metal stock to actual use in the field. When properly applied, Cortec’s VpCl® Technology substantially cuts time and cost throughout the entire product life cycle: manufacturing, storage, shipping, and field service. Cortec’s VpCl® products eliminate the extra processing steps such as cleaning, degreasing, rust removal, pickling, sandblasting, and reprotecting. You will have less re-work, fewer rejects, improved quality, reduced rust claims, and extended equipment life.